The main concept in LISP is that data is program and program is data. A wonderful way in which authors of SICP present the later is by creating data structure just by using functions. Lists in LISP and methods to operate on them can be created using just functions. We can do the same in Javascript as well, i.e. create List data-structure by just using functions and without objects or arrays. In fact we can create any data structure in this way. But an interesting question is where is data stored? (Its not too difficult to answer this question). Following is the JavaScript code which implements basic cons, car and cdr routines in Javascript.

function cons(x,y){
    var p=function(n){
        if(n==0)return x;
        if(n==1)return y;
        throw new Error("Index out of bound"+n);
        return "("+x+","+y+")";
    return p;
function car(z){
    return z(0);
function cdr(z){
    return z(1);

Now let us create some functions based on this list

 * Syntactic sugar for constructing a list
function list(){
   var args = [];
   if(args.length == 0)
       return null;
   var first = args.shift();
   return cons(first,list.apply(this,args));
 *  calculates length of the list
function len(l){
    if(!l) return 0;
    return 1 + len(cdr(l))
 * Calculate the factorials upto n
 * returns a list of factorials upto n
function fact1(n,acc,a){
   if(n>1) return cons(acc,fact(n-1,acc*a,a+1));
   return acc;
function fact(n){
  return fact1(n,1,1);

These lists are created purely out of functions, we did not use any array or object type. This list can be extended to more complex data structures such as tree or graph. Now let us create a little more complicated data structure, a binary search tree.

 * Method to create a node in tree
function create_node(val,left,right){
  return cons(val,cons(left,right));
 * method to get left subtree
function left(tree){
  return car(cdr(tree));
 * method to get right subtree
function right(tree){
  return cdr(cdr(tree));
 * method to add a new number in binary search tree
function add(num,tree){
      return create_node(num,null,null);
    var val=car(tree);
    var l = left(tree);
    var r = right(tree);
    if(num > val) return create_node(val,l,add(num,r));
    if(num < val) return create_node(val,add(num,l),r);
    return tree;
 * method to check if a number 
 * exists in the tree
function num_exists(num,tree){
     var l = left(tree);
     var r = right(tree);
     var val = car(tree);
     if(num == val){
       return true;
     return num_exists(num,l) || num_exists(num,r);
  return false;

 * method to do in order traversal of tree
 * and output list of sorted nodes
 * @param tree current node to traverse in the tree
 * @parent list of root val and in order traversed 
 * list of right sibling subtree
function traverse(tree,parent){
    parent = null;
     var l = left(tree);
     var r = right(tree);
     var val = car(tree);
     var traversedRight = traverse(r,parent);
     var trr = cons(val,traversedRight);
     return traverse(l,trr);
  return parent;

/* sample run */
var tree = add(3);
console.log(num_exists(5,tree)); // outputs: true
console.log(""+traverse(tree)); // outputs: (1,(2,(4,(5,(9,null)))))

As we can see how complex data structures can be created without using any object or array